6 to 9 year olds
Classes of movement and image work that stimulate communication in English. We use different types of flashcards, worksheets and online activities that we create ourselves.
At this age, children have a particular set of milestones to reach in terms of learning English. It is at this stage that the change from preschool to primary school occurs, and children are most enthusiastic about learning.
This is why it is so important to prepare your child for this time and choose the right moment to start the next (or first) adventure with English. The early school years are often the last call to make the most of the speech apparatus which becomes less flexible and receptive. We adapt all classes to the needs of all students and prepare for easy and enjoyable learning of a foreign language in the future.
The third and fourth grade of elementary school is a period of learning grammar rules by heart. There is nothing more boring for children, whose vital energy level at this time is very high. The lessons prepared by the teachers consist of attractive tasks, thanks to which the child gets satisfaction from learning and achieves more by learning English. This creates good habits and a passion not only for the English language.